6 Steps to Better Mental Health Wellbeing

Nowadays, life moves at a faster pace than ever. There is a plethora of stressors that can potentially affect our motivation and general wellbeing. These stressors can bud from financial difficulties, work issues, academic pressure, relationship conflicts, and many more outlets. Constantly experiencing stressful encounters can result in a bad quality of life.

Detrimental effects of stress can look like low moods, physical aches, sleeping difficulties, and other disruptions. Even though getting out of a slump is no easy feat, that shouldn’t mean completely not trying. That being said, you may want to take matters into your own hands but don’t know where to begin. These are some ways to start taking care of your mental health.

Practice work life balance

It is important to allocate time for the mind and body to rest. If possible, make it a habit of setting aside your work after working hours is over. Setting boundaries for yourself also allows you to draw the line between work and relaxation time.

Besides that, it is also healthy to let your co-workers know about your availability. Practice the culture of handling work-related issues only during working hours. A good way to start is by switching off your notifications for work emails and office social media groups post-working hours.

Do the things that make you happy

As seen during the pandemic, declining mental health often correlates with feelings of loneliness. Overcoming loneliness is a gradual process but fret not because there are ways you can get through it. But in the meantime, keeping yourself busy and occupying yourself with activities you’re passionate about can help tackle feelings of loneliness.

If you’ve been eager to try something new or revisit an old hobby for some time now, wait no further. You’re encouraged to pursue your hobbies and interests. Try to go in with the mindset that you don’t necessarily have to excel in those interests. Just be creative and have fun with it!

Be mindful

Professionals often encourage the general public to practice mindfulness. Psychology Today suggests that this practice entails focusing on staying in the present. Being mindful encourages you to evaluate your situation and intentions consciously.

It is impossible to be happy all the time. But a huge part of moving forward is recognizing and understanding your feelings, attitudes, and behavior. Mindfulness will help ground you to the present instead of letting past trauma or future concerns affect your current decision-making. Also, keepin a gratitude journal offers many benefits that you will understand once you start doing it.

Image Source:: Pexels.com – @Monstera

Contact your support system

Talking about your feelings may be a difficult hurdle, but it is an important step toward improving your mental health. For example, talk to someone you trust. Just having a listener as you get everything off your chest can have a greater impact than you would imagine. And in times when you don’t want to talk about it, a hug is all you need. Do you know that hugs are known to correlate with oxytocin release that induces feelings of safety and comfort?

Seeing that it is not plausible to travel to visit your loved ones frequently, you can always opt for other modes of communication. For immediacy or even just convenience, you can use a tablet or your phone to video call your friends and family. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out for comfort or advice from your support system.

Keep active

Having some physical movement is a great way to ensure better mental health. Your daily exercise doesn’t have to consist of a vigorous workout regimen or intensive yoga. It can even be as simple as taking a walk in the park or making time to do some light stretches in your living room.

Wearing a smartwatch to keep track of your physical movements, such as the number of steps taken or cardiovascular performance, can encourage you to carry out your daily exercise. Smartwatches can also ease your mental health care. For example, it can help keep time for meditation sessions and track your mood patterns.

Seek professional help

Ultimately, seeking professional help is the encouraged way to explore yourself as well as your relationship with various people and situations. As most are initially intimidated by trying out therapy for the first time, you can opt for an online mode as a stepping stone. Some apps serve as a platform to connect you with a therapist of your choice. However, be wary of illegitimate sites that may require personal information disclosure. It may also be harmful to adhere to the recommendations of unlicensed mental health providers.

Online and face-to-face therapy come with their own set of pros and cons. But generally, a professional mental health provider can give insight into your cognitive processes and behavioral patterns. Additionally, professionals can generate a personalized approach compared to the general tips provided by Instagram accounts that promote mental health awareness.

Prolonged periods of stress can be extremely mentally taxing and can take a toll on one’s overall health. Unfortunately, we cannot prevent stressors altogether, so our best bet is to learn and apply methods to deal with those stressors. So, here’s to growth, better decision making, and prioritizing mental health.