How to Keep on Top of Your Dog’s Dental Hygiene in between Vet Visits

It is not just you that needs to keep those teeth squeaky clean, but your pet too! They might not be prone to cavities like humans, but they are still able to develop problems like tartar, plaque build-up, gingivitis, and more, with dental disease commonly leading to permanent damage. You may have noticed indicative signs such as bad breath that are worrying you, or you are just interested in prevention. Either way, it is important to consider implementing dental hygiene into your dog’s daily routine with:

  • Daily Brushing

You heard it from first! Veterinary appointments are important but are not enough on their own. Therefore, you should introduce daily brushing into a puppy’s routine so that they become familiar with it, but it is never too late to start. If you do not know where to look for pooch-safe products, you can ask your vet for some advice so that you are buying puppy-friendly items.

  • Dental Toys and Chews

Opting for dental toys and chewable treats for your dog can help keep their mouth clean alongside regular brushing, just make sure that they are approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Clinic so that you know they will not cause any harm. There are a variety of options available for your dog to try, so there is something for everyone! Consider implementing healthier options into your dog’s play and treat routine to optimize their dental hygiene.

  • Drop the Damaging Habits 

Out with the old, in with the new – alongside introducing greater habits, you should be dropping old ones that are not beneficial. This may not apply to everyone but avoid giving unsafe chew toys such as bones, sports balls, and sticks, to name a few. Toys and treats that are not approved by professionals can cause harm such as broken teeth, enamel damage, and other oral injuries. Keep your dog safe and happy with a suitable alternative!

  • Dental Wipes

These should not replace teeth brushing altogether, but coinciding can be a helpful part of your dog’s dental hygiene routine. Quick and convenient, these wipes can be a handy solution to cleaning their teeth and preventing plaque build-up.

  • High-quality Dog Food

There is an overwhelming number of options for serving your dog their dinner, but they do vary in nutritional value. If you are concerned about your pet’s dental hygiene, it can help to a better diet. Begin by comparing approved Dog Food that aims to keep teeth healthy and clean.

However, it is important to consult your veterinarian when making big life changes for your dog to provide them with the most suitable care.

Dog dental hygiene does not have to be difficult, and simply adjusting habits can make a dramatic difference. Swapping out products for healthier alternatives can contribute massively to their canine health. In no time, your dog will have fresher breath and teeth to impress.

If you are concerned about existing damage to your dog’s teeth, do not hesitate to book in with a veterinarian for a professional opinion in case treatment is required.