Meet the ‘medical miracle’ and how she’s changing menopause’ perspective to help women around the world

Are you in your 40s or 50’s? Have you started experiencing a number of strange symptoms such as mood swings, decreased libido, hot flashes, vaginal discomfort, and urinary incontinence?

These and others are some of the questions that Edith Bianchi has asked for several years, and is now generating a radical change on a global level in women’s health and wellbeing in their 40’s and 50’s.

Menopause is not a sudden change. During the years, the ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone, which leads to menopause and can cause symptoms and even health risks and damage to the woman’s quality of life. Despite the fact that all women will experience it, menopause and perimenopause, the hormonal roller coaster years leading up to a woman’s last period, remain taboo subjects and neglected areas of women’s health.

 “Women are just not informed about menopause and are not aware that it is actually a process over years!” Says Edith. “And really, how should they know? No one is teaching us about it and women are paying a high price in their health, their happiness, their family and quality of life…”

Edith was inspired by her own miraculous health journey.  She has survived cancer and an early menopause at age 23 due to treatments. She has then made the decision to give back to others by becoming a nurse In Intensive care unit at the very same hospital where she has been treated.  Edith triumphed over her challenges and even became a mother of four wonderful children.

She has later joined the global medical industry as an expert in medical device business development. Her career change has taken her around the world as a forward-thinking leader and engaging speaker, invited to many professional conferences to share her experience.

“I have seen too many times, how women pay a high price for ignorance which is totally not their fault”, said Edith. Medicine is sometimes superficial and misses clues, so women must take ownership on their health and life.  “I don’t think all women should become doctors but every woman,  must have a clear understanding of what is happening in her body during menopause years and beyond”, Edith claims.  When the women are more educated about it, they can potentially make better decisions to improve their health and well-being. 

“I have been through menopause twice in my life. Once when I was 23 years old, when I was treated for cancer, and the second time when I was 40 years old, so I really understand how menopause can affect every cell in our body ”, she added about her experience. Women have so many concerns which are related to menopause and hormonal changes, including weigh gain, vaginal atrophy, sleep and mood disturbances and many more symptoms. And although menopause is not a disease, it is imposing a greater risk for serious diseases like cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, diabetes and more. 

 “This is something that affects 50% of the population, yet governments still don’t take it seriously enough”. But instead of complaining Edith has chosen to be proactive and is taking her passionate and drive, to deliver her intimate knowledge to all women and give them the power to improve their quality of life and prevent devastating health risks.  

Edith has created an International online Masterclass called “Still Young” This is truly something that every woman in her 40’s and 50’s take as an investment in herself. 

Edith’s mastrclass “Still Young” is truly changing it all and speaking openly and discretely about everything a woman is bothered with during her 40’s and 50’s. The Still Young masterclass has been translated and subtitled in few languages, because Edith has insisted that women all over the world, including those with hearing impairments, would be able to avoid serious health risks, learn about their bodies and prevent or cope with harmful symptoms. Her message and experience in women’s health can make all the difference in how you feel and is a ‘must’ for any woman approaching this stage in life or women who are already struggling with menopause symptoms. 

Edith is Now offering a free trial videos with subtitles translations into few languages. The access to the free trial is through the link 

“I’m inviting all women to take action now and to learn about how you can avoid the menopause risks to your health and life quality, and how to better your life during menopause and beyond”.