No Santa Claus But Two Saviors give gifts and financially educate Hispanic Staff In Las Vegas

Kingdom Of Kilam is continuing its charity & partnerships with the Spanish communities this holiday season through Don Kilam & Vegas Photoz in Summerlin, Nevada near Las Vegas.

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Don Kilam University has had students donate towards books issued by their own publishing company and Amazon Books & Amazon Kindle proceeds. This particular drive show was for gift cards to add to the donation box and other students participate in projects to bring holiday cheer to Charities & housing program.

For almost 10 years, Don Kilam University parent organization (PTO) has collaborated with Urban Charities on the project.

“One of the things we want our students to learn is that the holiday season is not necessarily about what we get, but really should be about giving, the happiness it brings to the communities are amazing,” said founder Don Kilam.

Don Kilam University educates that The Moors ruled parts of Andalucia from the early 8th until the late 15th centuries – 800 years of history. Their legacy, especially in terms of what we can see today, was considerable, with two of the region’s most important and most- visited monuments – the Alhambra and the Mezquita – dating from Moorish times. Both are UNESCO World Heritage sites.

These tribes from North Africa left an outstanding cultural legacy behind them in Al-Andalús, or Andalucía as it is today. This complex mix was inextricably woven into that of the myriad civilizations (see Prehistory and the Romans) which had previously invaded and settled here.

The influence of the Moors’ culture reached out far beyond Spanish borders, with the mighty cities of Sevilla, Córdoba, Granada and Cádiz being recognized throughout Europe and North Africa as centers of great learning, renowned for magnificent art and architecture, and homes to eminent scientists and philosophers. In the countryside, they also left behind sophisticated irrigation systems, testament to their skilled agriculture, and many pueblos blancos – white-painted hillside villages.

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