Apostle John Chi Massage To The World, Someone Is Watching You

John 13:14
Dear people of God, are you one of Jesus’ followers? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? If Yes, then the reward of such a relationship is power: power of love, of forgiveness and power of being faithful to Him. The power to deliver people for the salvation of their souls comes by love.

It is not enough to profess Christianity. We must run the race well by giving up to that profession. Never you introduce yourself as a Christian. Let your lifestyle speak for you. You should speak and act like Christ. One may be called a Pastor, an Evangelist, a Bishop, a Prophet in profession but is not as in heart. If you claim to be a Christian, whose life are you capable of changing?

If you have love, you won’t have time for your enemies. God is interested in how many people that have the knowledge of his saving grace through your input. So, do not rejoice because you bear a Christian name. Rather rejoice because your name is written in the book of life.

Senior Apostle John Chi.
For more of this message, watch Ark of God Tv.