NVIDIA on 6G’s Potential: Integrated Sensing and Communications in Focus

The dynamic landscape of 6G technology will contain convergence of innovation with Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) in reshaping industries. This article delves into the extensive influence of ISAC on diverse sectors like automotive, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robotics. Guiding us through this transformative expedition is Ahmad Bazzi, a Research Associate at New York University Abu Dhabi, who will be speaking at NVIDIA’s GTC panel on Thursday, Mar 21 3:00 AM – 3:50 AM PDT.

Background on ISAC for 6G

6G is poised to revolutionize an array of services, spanning haptic telemedicine, virtual reality and augmented reality remote services, holographic teleportation, and massive eXtended Reality (XR) capabilities, including Blockchain integration. Going beyond traditional communication, 6G introduces novel capabilities such as sensing and computing, enabling innovative services and leveraging enhanced environmental information for machine learning and artificial intelligence. However, meeting the demands of bandwidth-intensive applications requires a substantial capacity increase, as emphasized by industry experts. Anticipate a significant surge in monthly mobile data per mobile broadband subscriber, indicating a major shift in data consumption trends.

Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) cooperation and convergence stand as pivotal topics, opening doors for unprecedented applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and the UAV sector. The coexistence of radar and communication systems has been a focal point of investigation. ISAC offers practical advantages, including spectrum efficiency and hardware resource sharing, leading to a reduction in PHY-layer modem size and cost. However, these advancements bring forth a myriad of challenges and research questions, such as efficient resource reuse, spectrum sharing, trade-offs between communication rates and sensing performances, and considerations related to privacy and security.

In Ahmad’s talk, you will learn how to leverage the up-and-coming ISAC technology to maximize the potential of 6G technology. Ahmad Bazzi will also explore how this will impact use cases across innovative applications from the automotive and unmanned aerial vehicle sector to robotics, and much more. Finally, he will walk us through simulations powered by NVIDIA GPUs that demonstrate the potential of this technology.

About Ahmad Bazzi

Ahmad Bazzi was born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on the 3rd of October 1991. He obtained his PhD degree in electrical engineering from EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, in 2017. and the MS.c. degree (with honors) in wireless communication systems (SAR) from the Centrale Supélec, in 2014. Ahmad Bazzi is currently a researcher with New York University Abu Dhabi, contributing to integrated sensing and communications. Prior to that, he was the Algorithm and Signal Processing Team Leader at CEVA-DSP, Sophia Antipolis, leading the work on Wi-Fi (802.11ax) and Bluetooth (5.xx BR/BLE/BTDM/LR) high-performant (HP) PHY modems, OFDMA MAC schedulers, and RF-related issues. He is an inventor with several patents involving intellectual property of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth products, all of which have been implemented and sold to key clients.

Since 2018, he has been publishing YouTube lectures under his name “Ahmad Bazzi”, where his channel contains mathematical, algorithmic, and programming topics, with 287K+ subscribers and 17M+ views, as of August 2023. Bazzi was awarded a CIFRE Scholarship from Association Nationale Recherche Technologies (ANRT) France, in 2014, in collaboration with RiveiraWaves (now CEVA-DSP). He was nominated for the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2016. Bazzi received the Silver Plate Creator Award from YouTube, in 2022, for his 100,000 subscriber milestone. He was awarded an exemplary reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications in 2022 and an exemplary reviewer for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters in 2022. His research interests include signal processing, wireless communications, statistics, and optimization. He was selected one of the top 200 influencers in the Arab World on LinkedIn for 2023.