Mobile, AL First Female to own her Fragrance Line

LuVless Perfume Line – As far back as I can remember I have always been intrigued by perfume and sweet scents as it pertains to the body. I can also remember spending countless hours in department stores testing different hues to see if a particular perfume went with my body chemistry, I believe EVERYTHING  is about chemistry. Not only was I captivated by scents, chemistry, I am a lover of the bottle, the caps, the colors that possess those scents. With that love became an collection eighty or more bottles of different perfumes, oils, sprays, misters, infusers, and roller balls. This collection was so large that I had to create a space to house what had became a passion.

This passion became so imbedded in my brain I began to dream of different scents that would blend perfectly together and that would be so lasting that it stood our from the rest. This passion quickly went from a thought of can I do it , to girl your gonna do it. This was because I could not shake the visions in my head of shapes of bottles, the color of the bottle, the name of my fragrance, how it would be displayed on my bottle, my seeing my bottle on the counter in major department stores, the interviews of such to share with the world all the things that perfume did for this brown girl from Mobile, AL., you see perfume was my place of peace, my confident builder, compliment receiver, final accessory when applied. It was the tone setter if you will.

Has it been a smooth road? If not, what were some of the struggles?
Honestly, if the road was smooth I would have become leery. (Haha)
But to answer the question, no the road wasn’t smooth. I ran into a company that tried to push there ideologies on me because they felt they were doing what was best for me, not realizing I was educated on my brand. So, when I didn’t comply communication ended. Which in turn caused deadlines to not be met, my ideas shared, the creation of doubt, trust and discouragement.

Please tell us more about your business or organization. What should we know? What do you do., what do you specialize in/what are you known for? What sets you apart from others? What sets you are from others? What are you most proud of brand wise?
“ Luvless “ Amour Sacre is a brand that will be a household name for years to come. “Luvless” not only offers perfume for women, a men line is on the horizon as we speak.

To know more Luvless visit: and don’t to follow the brand on Instagram @luvlessfragrance