Popular singer and arranger Reza Sajedi talks about music

Reza Sajedi, what should be done about making a music from the beginning

First of all, a singer should see if he has talent in music or not, because when you have talent, it becomes much easier. Until it reaches that desired level, there are some artists who do not have talent, but with a lot of practice in music, they can flourish, because music is not a very complicated art, by practicing on the sound, you can achieve a desired and desirable result.

The background for singing is from the famous singer Reza Sajedi, who has many years of experience in this field

To start, a singer must register for self-expression classes and be trained under the supervision of a professional teacher so that his vocal cords are not damaged in the future. they destroy, in singing you must always have a ready voice because the larynx is very important for a music artist, so it must be cultivated well to be able to play the notes well, Reza Sajedi has practiced for years to have a mature and clear voice and that’s why he adds to his followers every day, so as a result, he has to practice a lot and start singing under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

It needs a great music hit including good lyrics and arrangements

To produce a good music, you don’t only need a good sound, it must be a meaningful and emotional poem, because no matter how strong the poem is, it has its effect on the music, because many people care about the feeling and meaning of a music poem, Reza Sajedi opinion is always the same. An effective work must be the best in all respects, along with a good voice and a good poem, it must have a good music arrangement, no matter how high-quality the music is, it will leave a good impression on the listener, and of course, if live instruments are used in the work, it will be very good. It will be great because the live instrument adds soul to the work and doubles its effect.

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