Enzo Zelocchi Rumoured as Possible Contender for the Next Marvel Superhero Sub-Mariner

Every die-hard Marvel fan understands the phenomenal amount of material and dizzying number of exciting characters that the comic-book-rooted franchise has to draw from. One significant character yet to lead his own storyline on screen is the Sub-Mariner, aka Namor. Could multi-faceted Hollywood leading man Enzo Zelocchi be next in line to take the mantle of the iconic leader of Atlantis?

When asked to think of an underwater ruler, many of today’s moviegoers will think first of DC Comic’s Aquaman, not realizing that the Sub-Mariner was actually the true-blue original aquatic comic book anti-hero. Submariner was first created by writer and artist Bill Everett in 1939 for comic book packager Funnies Inc. and later Marvel, while Aquaman was only conceptualized in 1941.

Ever since Marvel Comics #1, the Sub-Mariner has been a powerful presence within the Marvel universe, providing amazing depth and nuance with his complicated character and inclination to switch between playing a hero and a villain.

Will We See a New Sub-Mariner for Marvel Phases 5 and 6?

While actor Tenoch Huerta played Sub-Mariner in last year’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, it isn’t unusual for Marvel characters to be recast when it’s their time to step into the lead for a new storyline.

For example, Thor has been played by both Idris Elba and Chris Hemsworth, while Iron Man was played by Paul Bettany before Robert Downey Junior wowed the world with his action star credentials.

The probability of a casting switch seems even more likely when we consider that Phase 4 of the Marvel Universe franchise has drawn to a close and Disney is gearing up for Phase 5 while also planning for Phase 6.

As originally envisioned by Marvel president Kevin Feige, the dazzling catalog of on-screen Marvel property that we have been enjoying since 2008 has been split into Phases, with each featuring a cross-over arc that ties the many separate stories together.

Envisioning Enzo Zelocchi as the Sub-Mariner

With the striking angular facial features and chiseled abs required to do justice to the Sub-Mariner’s comic book appearance, Italian-American actor Enzo Zelocchi certainly seems like a great fit for the role.

If the executives at Disney and Marvel decide to take the Sub-Mariner back to his roots, setting his kingdom in the lost city of Atlantis, then Zelocchi’s Mediterranean heritage will also support his ability to realize the role, delivering long-standing Marvel fans a vision of one of their favorite characters that remains true to the franchise’s history.

Whether Namor’s next iteration will be destined for the big screen or for a streaming series is yet to be seen. In recent years, Disney has increasingly been exploring the potential of longer Marvel story arcs via television series. These have included 2021’s Loki starring Tom Hiddleston, 2022’s Moon Knight starring Oscar Isaac, and 2023’s Secret Invasion starring Samuel L Jackson, all appearing on the Disney+ streaming platform.

While it’s early days for the swirling rumors about Enzo Zelocchi’s involvement in the Marvel franchise and possible portrayal of the Sub-Mariner, the actor has already shown his mettle in the role of the superpower-wielding anti-hero types in movies like Angels Apocalypse and The Secret. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait to long to discover if his next action role will see him take to the waves!

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