How Métis Teen Rapper ‘JULE$’ Is Taking The Music Scene By Storm

Julian Jeremy McPherson, the rising Canadian rapper known by his stage name, JULE$. Hailing from the Northwest Territories, JULE$ emerged onto the music scene in 2019 with a distinctive blend of raw talent. With a hit track “NO Time” he quickly garnered attention.

He has recently been teasing a album, in December 2023, he appeared on Nation Television, CBC Northbeat, and said he was planning to release his 5th studio album, Spirit Lifted, along with his documentary with the same name.

From humble beginnings to chart-topping success, JULE$ is ready to be the next big thing in the music scene.

How old is JULE$?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, is 17 years old (July 13, 2006)

When was JULE$ born?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, was born in July 13, 2006

Where does JULE$ live?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, lives in Tulita, Northwest Territories

What is JULE$’s full name?
Julian McPherson (JULE$)

What inspired JULE$ to start rapping?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, was always into music, so it came naturally

How did JULE$ come up with his unique rap style?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, was always into all genres of music, so it came naturally

What are some of JULE$’s most popular songs?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, most popular song is inside i’m numb

Where can I find JULE$’s music online?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, you can find his music on all platforms!

What’s the story behind JULE$’s stage name?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, since a child, his nickname was Jules, so it wasn’t a hard thought process.

How long has JULE$ been rapping?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, started rapping in 2019

What is JULE$’ instagram?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, instagram is “julestherapper”

Could I find JULE$’ music on Spotify?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, yes you can! Search “JULE$”!

Does JULE$ have any siblings?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, has 7 siblings!

Is JULE$ indigenous?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, is 100% indigenous. From a native community.

Who Is JULE$?
Julian McPherson, aka, JULE$, is a 17 year old rapper from Tulita, Northwest Territories.