How To Turn A Field Into A Wildflower Meadow

Wildflower meadow is a type of garden. It is made up of native plants and flowers. It has a diversified range of native plants containing annual, biennial and perennial plants. Wildflower meadows are helpful in the reduction of erosion on slopes.

 Also, it doesn’t need harmful fertilizers. It is not like your traditional green lawn grass. It is vibrant and colorful which adds beauty to the lawn. Imagine viewing different types of colorful flowers outside the window! They are ecologically important as well. They are home to important pollinators and they are important in sustaining ecosystems.

The best type of wildflowers depends solely on that region. However, Meadow Flowers Australia include bee balm, salvia, aster, black-eyed Susan, and others. Now you must be thinking that you lack time, space, and skills to grow wildlife meadows. But that’s not true. You can start from a small area of your garden. Read below to know more about growing wildlife meadows.

How To Turn a Field into a Wildlife Meadow

To turn a field into a wildlife meadow, you need to follow the given steps.

  • Remove existing grasses

You need to remove all the existing grasses as wildlife meadows can’t grow well with them. There are two methods of removing existing grasses – smothering grass with black plastic or using a sod cutter. 

You can choose either of them at your ease. However, smothering grass with black plastic is the most popular and inexpensive. It needs two to three months and once you remove the plastic your ground is ready for planting. If you use a sod cutter then you need to till your areas to remove the surface layer of the lawn. You need to apply herbicide as well.

  • Apply herbicide

This process is needed if you use a sod cutter. Now, after clearing the existing grasses you must be thinking that weeds can not be grown. But don’t let that bare land fool you. Those weeds are under the soil.

You can go for either tilling or applying herbicide. You can do both tilling and applying herbicide. Remember don’t till the soil after applying herbicide, it will grow more weeds. Also, remove all the dead weeds before planting fresh seeds. This means your space should be well-cleaned before the plantation of wildflowers.

  • Scatter seeds

Now, you can scatter seeds of wildflowers on a windy day. Before scattering seeds, calculate the number of seeds needed. You need to scatter half a pound of seed per thousand square feet. Scatter seeds by continuously sweeping your hands and mixing seeds with fine sand before scattering. Sand helps in scattering seeds evenly as it is light in weight.

  • Compress seeds

Rake seeds lightly once you scatter your seeds. Don’t buy them, just let them have good contact with the soil. After the raking is done, tamp down the seeds with a lawn roller or your feet. Now, add a light layer of straw to prevent erosion especially when you’re growing wildflowers on a slope.

  • Watering

To ensure successful germination, you need to keep the soil hydrated. Keep watering the wildflowers after planting until they are four to six inches tall.

  • Maintaining

It is very important to maintain wildflowers to keep them. Maintenance is needed to keep wildflowers looking beautiful and vibrant. Maintenance requires mowing, weeding, and watering

  • Mowing – It is required to promote the fresh growth of wildflowers. Mowing removes dead flowers and new flowers can grow in the following spring.
  • Weeding –  Once wildflowers are grown, you should not use herbicides as they can damage the flowers. So, when the weeds pop up, you have to cut them with scissors.
  • Watering –  The more they grow the less they require water. Wildflowers need one inch of water weekly but this frequency decreases as time passes. And after some time they would become self-sufficient and need watering only during dry periods.


Wildlife meadows can be grown in the field, it is beautiful and has ecological importance also. Wildlife meadows can be grown by following the simple steps and you need to put little effort into the maintenance of wildlife meadows.

Now you have sufficient knowledge regarding wildlife meadows and you can grow them easily by yourself without getting confused.