Former Disney Actor Devan Leos Sends Dicey Tweet

Devan Leos has gone on his social media page (Twitter), to explain exactly how he feels about bogarts. Basically saying: “If you’re rich but you don’t give to the poor, you’re the one who is really poor!” Devan Leos seems to be heavily advocating for charity lately, mentioning various charities such as NAMI, and Family Promise online.

Devan has gotten many of his followers on his TikTok to donate to charity NAMI, which is the National Alliance on Mental Health. It will be interesting to see what more Devan does for other charities, but roomers are circulating that he is working directly with a charity in Santa Clarita known as family promise, a homeless based charity that helps homeless families find work, housing, and transportation!

Hopefully most will agree with Devan, and will opt to share whatever extra resources they have with their local communities, and maybe even international ones. Hunger, homelessness, and many other issues run rampant across the entire world. If you cannot donate monetary gifts or food, you can always volunteer your time to help those in need!